Sunday, July 25, 2010

Villa Benedetta: Amalfi Coast Italy

I feel as if I have this sort of kinship with Italy. I forewarn you that this may not be the last post that has something to do with Italy. I've always wanted to travel to Italy, experience the food, the people and what appears to be a really simple and laid back way of life. While my husband and I were planning our wedding we were tossing around ideas for our honeymoon. We both wanted to go to Italy but circumstance always rears its ugly head. I found this beautiful villa that I must share with you all (lol, I say that like I have followers at the moment).

We wanted to stay at least two weeks. We envisioned ourselves shopping in the local markets for food, preparing gourmet meals daily, sitting on the balcony sipping fine Italian wine, taking walks around Amalfi and breathing in fresh coastal air.

I chose this as the first post because my husband and I have this sort of deal that we have to go to Italy before we start having children. Don't get me wrong, we both desperately want to have children but when you do have them, you have more circumstance. This goal has to be realized relatively quickly because we don't want to put off children forever. Personally, I am doing everything I can to make sure that my first bucket list item is accomplished within the next 12 months. Here are some pictures of the villa we so desire to stay in (enjoy!):

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